Connect and Serve with Others


Calendar of Events
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Get involved and give back to our community by participating in some of the fun activities in which members of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh enjoy together.  Members choose their educational, volunteer, and social activities according to their interests and available time.

Community Service Programs offer members opportunities to contribute to the community, to learn and to enjoy a variety of activities and events. Members participate based on their individual interests and as their schedules permit.

Each Community Service Program sponsors short-term and continuing projects. The Club annually provides scholarships to deserving individuals and financial grants to a variety of non-profits. Get involved and help us choose our next grant and scholarship recipients!

Arts And Culture Community Service Program

Encourages members to promote and support arts in the community and to create programs and projects in various areas of the arts. Programs include annual Arts Festivals, clubwoman art projects, a Creative Writer’s Group, a featured Artist of the Month, and the Woman’s Club Singers.


Environmental Community Service Program

Promotes an appreciation of the environment and provides members opportunities for conservation education and volunteer service in the community. Members participate in litter prevention, recycling and water quality projects, Keep America Beautiful, maintenance of the gardens surrounding The Woman’s Club of Raleigh Clubhouse.


Education and Libraries  Community Service Program

Promotes literacy through K-12 education and lifelong learning in the community. Members may participate in Epsilon Sigma Omicron structured reading program or the Jennie June Book Club. Projects include Communities in Schools, learning disabilities awareness, Mt. Vernon Redirection School, City of Raleigh (COR) Museum docents and volunteers and N.C. State Capitol docents.

LEARN MORE   More about Education Community Program!

Health and Wellness Community Service Program

Informs members on issues that affect the well-being of individuals and families, provides opportunities for volunteering around these issues. Projects include Backpack Buddies, dementia awareness, cancer awareness, Rex Hospital volunteers, the Helen Wright Center for Women, North Raleigh Ministries, Urban Ministries, and women’s health issues.


Civic Engagement and Outreach Community Service Program

Provides members volunteer service opportunities and education opportunities within the community centered on international outreach. Projects include Stop Human Trafficking, Operation Smile, CARE International, United Nations, naturalization ceremonies, Shot at Life, refugee resettlement, and Friendship Force.


Night Community Service Program

Provides members with opportunities for evening, weekend and summer volunteer service and fellowship based on the club’s six other Community Service Programs. Emphasis is on education and lifelong learning. Programs include Adopt-A-Highway (with Junior Woman’s Club of Raleigh), BackpackBuddies/No Kid Hungry, Mt. Vernon School Supplies, Chrysalis Club Monthly Yarn Project, Salvation Army stockings, Shot at Life, and Operation Smile no-sew blankets.



Charitable Solicitation License

Open House
3rd Wednesday of Each Month  ~  11 AM to 4 PM

View Guest Artist Exhibits      Ask About Membership      See Facility Rental Spaces

Our Community PARTNERS

Our Mission

The Mission of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh, Inc. is to serve and support our community in Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Environment, and Health and Wellness.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh
3300 Woman’s Club Dr, Raleigh, NC 27612-4811
(919) 782-5599