Education and Libraries Community Service Program
  1. Education & Libraries Community Service Program

The Education and Libraries Community Service Program works with schools, literacy programs, learning disabilities projects, and offers leadership training for Club members. For example:

The Jennie June Book Club meets monthly to review books suggested by its members. Click this link for the Booklist for this year.

The Education and Libraries CSP provides docents to the State Capitol and the Raleigh City Museum.

In 1984-1985 the Club adopted the Mount Vernon Re-Directional School. Currently our Club sponsors a gift bag with a gift card and other gifts for the Teacher of the Month and the Student of the Month selected by the administration each month at the Mt. Vernon School. See this link for a Wish List for supplies listed as needed by the teachers for the school year 2024-2025! .

The Education and Libraries CSP conducts its activities through the following committees:

  • Docents for the State Capitol
  • Docents for the Raleigh City Museum
  • Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Foundation
  • Jennie June Book Club
  • Mount Vernon Redirection School
  • Scholarship Contests, Local, District and State
  • Scholarships for Students and Mature Women
  • Wake Education Partnership Foundation

HELP NEEDED for  Community in Schools (CIS) since funding has been cut. The community tutorial programs
are in need of individually wrapped snacks…ie small bags of pretzels, granola bars, check mix, etc. It should be something as healthy as possible that kids would love to eat after school before tutoring and homework. Large boxes are usually under $10. Your generous contribution will be appreciated by many children!

Mt. Vernon Middle School: If you’d like to bake or volunteer to fill trays and serve the students the last Friday of each month, September through May, call Ann Jagger at 616-4343.

The Book Exchange: We need new stock!! Gather up the books you have read, bring them to The Monthly Book Exchange, and take home one or two that you have not read.  When you donate books, be sure to fill out a contribution form available at the book cart so our club receives credit. Questions? Call Kathy Freeman at 984-233-5815.

Our Community PARTNERS

Our Mission

The Mission of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh, Inc. is to serve and support our community in Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Environment, and Health and Wellness.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh
3300 Woman’s Club Dr, Raleigh, NC 27612-4811
(919) 782-5599