Community Grants

Community Grants Program

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh is actively involved in volunteer service and the support of community organizations. The Club’s mission is “to serve and support our community in the areas of the Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Environment, Health and Wellness.” The Community Grants Program provides direct financial contributions to 501 (c) (3) organizations in the Raleigh community for specific projects and initiatives. Areas of interest are broad including, but not limited to, the arts, children’s services, homelessness,  education, social services, women’s issues, historic preservation, and public affairs.

The Community Grants Committee reviews applications and selects recipients. Grants are awarded and paid in May of the current year. A letter will be sent from The Woman’s Club of Raleigh, Community Grants Committee Chair, regarding your grant request. This letter will also include any information needed during or upon the completion of your project such as: All recipients must include in any publication regarding their project, acknowledgement of the receipt of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh Community Grant. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of your grant check or sixty (60) days of the end of your Project, forward information outlining how the grant money contributed to your success to:

Community Grants Committee Chairman
The Woman’s Club of Raleigh
3300 Woman’s Club Drive
Raleigh, NC 27612

This can be in the form of a letter addressed to the above. If applicable, please enclose any publication that was created regarding your project such as a performance program or any published materials.

To apply for a Community Grant, follow the guidelines outlined below under Community Grants Request Guidelines. Mail the completed grant application and five (6 total) copies postmarked by March 1 of the current year to.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh
Community Grants Committee
3300 Woman’s Club Drive
Raleigh, NC 27612

NOTE: It is vital that we receive six (6) copies. If we do not, your application may not be considered.


Please provide a cover sheet with the following information:

  • Name, address and full contact information for your organization
  • Name, address and full contact information for the primary contact(s)
  • Specific project title and brief (35-word) summary of purpose
  • Time period covered by the project
  • Amount of the request

Also include the following:

  • The front page of your organization’s logo.
  • Project Budget (line item) – If the project has multiple funding sources, applicant may include the entire budget.
  • Supporting materials may be included if the applicant desires.

The Community Grant application must include the following information on a maximum of five (5) pages:

  • Description of need and impact on the community
  • How the project is in line with the Mission of the Club?
  • How support by The Woman’s Club of Raleigh will be visible in your organization
  • Number of persons likely to be served.
  • Possibility of participation by Club members.
  • Potential development of the proposed project along with plans for project/program’s continuation
  • Project staffing
  • Use of volunteers.


StepUp Ministry.  $2000.  (Arts & Culture CSP)  Funding will provide a week-long summer day-camp experience to 25 low-income children participating in a year-round life skills program.  Each day’s educational/service-learning programming will include field trips to local museums, hand-on-activities, and meals.

Note-in-the-Pocket:  $3000.  (Education and Libraries CSP)  Funding will enhance a child’s educational opportunities and personal confidence by addressing the issue of clothing insecurity.

Mothers And Their Children:  $2000. (Civic Engagement and Outreach CSP)  Funding will provide children of incarcerated mothers to have a quality three-hour visit in an apartment like setting with their mothers supervised by volunteers.  MATCH provides food, transportation, and hotel stays.

Oak City Cares:  $2000. (Health and Wellness CSP)  Funding will provide weekend and holiday meals when all other programs are closed.  This program is solely designed to serve our neighbors experiencing homelessness and food insecurity.

Raleigh City Farm:  $2000. (Environment CSP)  Funding will help support and seek to grow the Farm to Camp program to address the urgent program of childhood obesity and the underlying health conditions tied to unhealthy eating habits in our community.



Our Mission

The Mission of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh, Inc. is to serve and support our community in Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Environment, and Health and Wellness.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh
3300 Woman’s Club Dr, Raleigh, NC 27612-4811
(919) 782-5599