Great Decisions

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh Presents


Great Decisions is a national program of the Foreign Policy Association. Great Decisions is the largest non-partisan citizen education effort of its kind and has provided quality information and tools for over fifty years. Each year, the Foreign Policy Association publishes a Great Decisions Briefing Book. The book highlights eight of the year’s most significant foreign policy issues. The book provides facts, charts, and nonpartisan analysis of the “great decisions” facing the U.S. public and policy makers. Maps, online services and other resources are available to complement programs. In addition, a DVD series and Teacher’s Guide are available for purchase on the Foreign Policy Association’s website.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh has offered this program for many years..  The Woman’s Club of Raleigh welcomes not only our members but the general public as well.  It s offered free to any and all participants.   We will be showing the topic video from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., followed by discussion from 10:45 a.m. to Noon We will be joined by a Speaker who has relevant experience with the topic.  The combination of video, speaker, and discussion is not to be missed!

We are pleased to announce the topics for Great Decisions 2024-2025!

January 23  – The Future of NATO and European Security
Speaker – 

January 30. After Gaza: American Policy in the Middle East 

February 6   American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads 

February 13  US China Relations 

February 20-  international Cooperation on Climate Change
Speaker – 

February 27 – US Changing Leadership of the World Economy 
Speaker – 

March 6-   Between China, the West, and the Global South
Speaker – 

March 13-  AI and American National Security 

We would love to have you join us!